Products in Components

Miniatured passive device

Miniature VOA/switch/Tap PD, metalized fibers/hermetic feedthrus, PM components, special fiber-array and collimator, MPO/MTP loopback/breakout/cable

Optical components

Inrad produces Xray focusing mirrors, large transmission windows, aspheric mirrors, nonlinear crystals, neutron detection crystals, and opto-mechanical assemblies.

Linear Variable Bandpass Filters for Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

Linear Variable Bandpass Filters for Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

Fiber Optic Cable

Specialty fiber optic cables for harsh environments. Specialty subsea cables, ROV cables, Drone and Aerostat Cables.

TFP All-Glass Dichroic Filter Wheel Assemblies

Filter wheels with no spaces between the glass segments, motors, encoders and timing marks are available

X-cube Prism, 3-Port, 10 to 50 mm, S or P Polarization

X-cube prism for three-wavelength illumination combining or separating

Custom Glass Wafers

Sydor Optics manufactures precision glass wafers based on your custom specifications.

Visible Wavelength Combiner

LightComm’s Visible Wavelength Combiners are single mode optical fiber components and modules.

Ti:Sapphire Laser Crystals

Titanium doped Sapphire is used for making ultra short pulse solid-state or wavelength tunable lasers.

Gires-Tournois Interferometer Mirrors (GTI)

A Gires–Tournois interferometer (GTI) is an optical standing-wave resonator designed for generating chromatic dispersion.