

The aspherization of Fizeau interferometry - Discover the world-wide only aspheric Fizeau lens a|FizeriC

CLAS-IR Wavefront sensor

Wavefront measurements and laser beam analysis

Ultra-Narrow Linewidth Laser Module-Gen 3

Laser module offers super-fine instantaneous and dynamic spectral linewidth of under 30 Hz and ultra-low phase/frequency noise in a compact form factor.


The SPINDLE™ provides sample measurement with unprecedented precision depth accuracy for 3D sub-diffraction cellular level biomedical and materials imaging and tracking

Lasair III 310C Portable Particle Counter

The Lasair III sets the standard for portable aerosol particle counters. Used for continuous and mobile production monitoring or particle excursion troubleshooting.

Syringe Liquid Particle Sampler

The SLS measures particles in liquids like a cleaning bath or chemicals by delivering the sample directly to the sensor from a cleaning line or chemical container.

LSM Series Laser System

LSM Series Laser System

PPM Series Photonic Power Module

PPM Series Photonic Power Module

Cell-Array Power Beaming Receiver

Cell-Array Power Beaming Receiver

Cell-Panel Power Beaming Receiver

Cell-Panel Power Beaming Receiver