Products By McPherson
Want better UV? More than 70% of users choose McPherson Model 234/302 monochromator
Triple spectrometer with adjustable bandwidth, edge-slope and UV wavelength capability
New software support for McPherson deep UV and soft x-ray spectrometer systems and Princeton Instruments soft x-ray cameras
McPherson one-meter vacuum spectrometers are now capable of imaging. The ability to measure both spatial and wavelength resolution is important in many applications
New digital flow controllers improve measurement accuracy in VUVAS ultraviolet spectrophotometer systems and improve lifetime of ultraviolet lamps at short wavelengths
Stable, flow controlled McPherson windowless, hollow cathode UV lamp Model 629 for 30 to 200 nanometer wavelength region
McPherson Model 207V is an important part of deep-UV and VUV imaging and analytical spectroscopy systems. It works over a broad spectral range, from the deep UV to LWIR
Novel instrument measures optical reflectance as a function of angle of incidence in non-polarized light
An ideal instrument for use in tunable light source systems for illumination, imaging and spectroscopy
Spectral Test Station (STS) for wavelength testing and calibration from LWIR to 200 nanometers. It is for sensor testing, process control, calibration of flight sensors.