Products in Fiber

High Sensitivity Strain & Temperature FBG Cable Sensor

The T130 is a small dimension high sensitivity FBG cable sensor designed for monitoring strain and temperature in surface mounted or embedded applications.

High Tensile Strength Temperature Cable Sensor

The T140 is an optical armored temperature FBG cable sensor designed for monitoring temperature in harsh environments.

MR386 ZapFREE Fiber Optic Microswitch

World's First Fiber Optic Microswitch Offers Inherent Safety, MR Safe, and Immunity EMI/RFI/High Voltage

ZBLAN and InF3 standard single mode fibers

ZBLAN /ZFG/ fluorozirconate single mode fibers IFG/InF3/ fluoroindate single mode fibers

ZBLAN and InF3 standard multimode fibers

ZFG and IFG standard multimode fibers