LWIR Multi-slit Scan Hyperspectral Imager

Bodkin Design & Engineering, LLC

BD&E’s Multislit ScanTM hyperspectral imager uses a scanning mirror and three separate image plane slits to produce a multiplexed hyperspectral image at three times the rate possible with a single slit. Working with a fast FPA, running at 304 Hz, the Multislit Scan hyperspectral imager can produce high resolution hyperspectral data-cubes at speeds of up to 3 FPS (318 x 256 spatial x 100 spectral). The full system includes an automated calibration system to ensure radiometrically and spectrally accurate data under all conditions.

*Manufacturer's specifications subject to change without notice.

Bodkin Design is the source for Machine Vision equipment and expertise. We manufacture equipment for spectral imaging, polarimetric imaging, infrared calibration and measurement, illumination and image analysis. We are the world leader in high speed spectral imaging offer our unique line of HyperPixel ArrayTM imagers covering the UV through LWIR. Specialties include chemical imaging, temperature imaging, polarization imaging, Imnfrared imaging, gas absorption imaging, high speed spectroscopy and high speed hyperspectral imaging.
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