Yb KGW Crystal

Photonic Solutions UAB

Yb:KGW crystal (Yb-doped potassium gadolinium tungastate) is a widely used laser active material to generate ultra-short pulses in range of few hundred femtoseconds. Large absorption cross section at around 981 nm makes the crystal well suited for diode pumping. Efficient absorption and low quantum defect let’s to build compact lasers for high power applications.

*Manufacturer's specifications subject to change without notice.

Photonic Solutions UAB is a Lithuania-based supplier of optical components, coatings and solutions in the photonics field. A highly competent team would advise the right substrate material for the optics and will help to choose the right coating technology and design. The same applies to the standard and more exotic crystals, we advise cut orientation, doping and coatings. In the case of more complex optical systems, we offer optical and mechanical design service.
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