nPFocus Series Nanopositioning Piezo Stages

nPoint Inc.

The nPFocus series piezo stages allow for fast, precision positioning of optics (often microscope objectives). Speed can be up to 10X faster that other motorized stages allowing for high speed 3D imaging, Z-stacks, and auto focus. Closed-loop control helps system dynamics and ensures position accuracy in the nanometer range. Capacitive sensors are available for high spec applications, while strain sensors can be used in cost prohibitive areas that don't require sub-nanometer resolution. Stages can be configured for upright or inverted microscopes.

*Manufacturer's specifications subject to change without notice.

Designs & manufactures nanopositioning tools for OEM and research applications. Products include piezo actuated flexure stages and digital control electronics. Nanopositioning systems provide closed-loop translation in the X, XY, XYZ and tip/tilt. Enables high-speed, high-resolution, sub-nanometer precision for Optics, Semiconductor, Defense, Aerospace and Bio industries.
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