Bobcat+ 320 Series

Xenics Nv

The Bobcat+ 320 series is based on an in-house developed, temperature stabilised InGaAs detector with a 320 x 256 pixel resolution. The Bobcat+ 320 cameras come with GigE Vision interface and offer high frame rates up to 400 Hz. The new and improved Bobcat+ 320 now comes with two gain modes (high gain and high dynamic range) and two read out modes (IWR or ITR). Moreover, a vSWIR version is also available. The Bobcat+ 320 targets machine vision, safety and security, scientific research, and process monitoring.

*Manufacturer's specifications subject to change without notice.

Xenics part of Exosens group, is a leading European manufacturer and designer. Since 2000, Xenics has been delivering state-of-the-art solutions and designs of infrared imagers, cores and cameras to improve business results. The complete portfolio of products for the VisNIR, SWIR and LWIR ranges are developed to support machine vision, scientific & advanced research, transportation, process monitoring, safety & security and medical applications. With a worldwide sales and service network, a pioneer of infrared technology and with a proven track record spanning more than twenty years, Xenics also exists to support its customers with simplified export procedures.
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