Products By Laser Quantum
The axiom 660 laser is a new architecture that delivers high CW power whilst incorporating all of the active optics within the laser head. This design lends itself to easy integration into equipment, without the complexities associated with fiber delivery of the pump light.
The torus family offers a range of single longitudinal mode lasers with bandwidths below 1MHz. These are ideal for applications such as high resolution Raman spectroscopy, holography and interferometry that benefit from the long coherence length.
The finesse is used globally and is a world leader in its class.
The opus is one of our most popular lasers and is now available in 532nm, 660nm and 1064nm versions.
The Venteon Laser Technology name is synonymous with the science of few cycle, broadband laser pulses.
With the taccor family, Laser Quantum offers a range of femtosecond lasers with a repetition rate of 1GHz.
The ventus family of CW lasers is designed to exceed the demands of the scientific customer where flexibility, reliability and beam quality are critical.
The gem range is a compact series of lasers designed for easy integration into other instrumentation.
Our tau range now incorporates two wavelengths, 532nm and 671nm. Our 532nm is capable of powers up to 150mW and the 671nm up to 50mW.