Products in Software

Capture OEM

PixeLINK® Capture OEM is an image capture application built around the PixeLINK® API and designed specifically for OEM customers.

2ndLook Video Recording Software

2ndLook is the simplest way to record and review video captured from PC-connected cameras

Streams 7 Video Recording Software

IO Industries Streams™ 7 is designed to handle all of the data recording requirements for an application.

CoreView Video Recording Software

CoreView software is designed to provide an interface to each and every feature of the DVR Express Core

Design Suite

Software environment to support requirements in optical component and systems design

Photonic Circuits

Simulation and design environment for photonic integrated circuits (PICs)

Mode Designer

Analysis and optimization of integrated photonic waveguides and optical fibers


TracePro® is our opto-mechanical software differentiated by its ease-of-use, CAD interface and accuracy for optical and illumination design and stray light analysis,